Executive Introduction

Executive Introduction

Executive Introduction

名誉会長 浜井 識安 極真九段

Not only Kyokushin karate, but karate as a Japanese martial arts should be a self-defense technique, for some reason which is forced into a situation where one cannot escape and the other party has a weapon, it can responds to a critical and desperation situation with this technique. Bringing back at the basics of Kyokushin karate, the movements and technique are the perspective of the original self-defense martial arts, the basic training of Kyokushin is extremely for self-defense in the same way as the basics of Ryukyu Okinawa karate, traditional karate, and bogu karate. The back fist, elbow strike, hand sword, back sword, iron hammer, reverse iron hammer, eye thrust, eye strike, gold kick, joint kick, etc. are the basic training of Kyokushin, techniques that can be used for self-defense. Naturally, not only Kyokushin karate, but the basics of Ryukyu Okinawa karate, traditional karate, and bogu karate are all the same. All karate are for self-defense martial arts.

Representative Akihiro Tanaka Kyokushin 6th Dan

December 9, 1958 (Born in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture)
姫路成田山明勝寺 真言宗 阿闍梨
成田不動修験本宗 補少先達(山伏)
Hobbies: Muscle training (squat 180kg, bench press 135kg continued)

April 1978, Joined Doshisha University Karate Club (Goju-ryu).
June 1979, Joined Kyokushin Kaikan Ashihara Dojo Kyoto Branch.
April 1982, He worked as a karate instructor while working as an office worker at Kyocera Cooperation.

April 2012, Appointed branch manager of Kyokushinkaikan Hamai Group Kanagawa branch. (Currently, Kyokushin Kaikan Yokohama Tanaka Dojo Representative)
March 2023, Appointed representative of Kyokushin Kaikan Rikishakai.

副代表 首席師範 柚井 知志 極真六段

1976, Joined the Japan Karate Association Shizuoka East Branch Satsugawa Dojo (currently NPO International Shotokan Karatedo Federation Satsugawa Dojo Kukenkai). He learned everything from the basics of karate to its application under Toshihiko Satsukawa Sensei, and this is the foundation that continues to this day. 

1982, Joined the International Karatedo Federation, Kyokushin Kaikan, Sohonbu Dojo as an apprentice of Sosai Masutatsu Oyama.

A regular instructor and international instructor at Headquarter Dojo, he has teaching experience not only in Japan but also in more than 30 countries overseas.

本部長 師範 菊崎 晴大 極真四段

1980, entered Kyokushin Kaikan General Headquarters as a second-year junior high school student.

2016, Acquired 4th Dan

2011, Participated in the Shanghai Games Heavyweight at the age of 45
Fighting Spirit Award

2013, Kyokushinkan All Japan Tournament Runner-up in the middle weight category at the age of 47, Received Fighting Spirit Award

Secretary General Yuki Hirata Kyokushin 2nd Dan

Born 1978.11.27
Born in Iwate Prefecture, lives in Tokyo
174cms 75kgs.

2022, Kyokushin Federation All Japan Tournament Senior Category 2nd Place
2023, 1st Unified All Japan Kyokushin Karate Championship 40s Division 2nd Place
5th Kyokushin Rengo Cup World Karate Organization Championships 40s Division, Japan Representative

幹事 本間 康彰 極真初段

2021, Hiroshige Cup Men's Masters Senior Heavyweight 3rd Place
2021, 1st Pre-All Japan Kyokushin Karate Championship Best 8
2022, Hiroshige Cup Men's Masters Senior Heavyweight 3rd Place